Indigenous Program of Experience
in the Palliative Approach

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IPEPA is a grassroots approach to breaking down the barriers to palliative care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia. Informed by Community for Community, IPEPA works to embed Australian First Nations knowledges across all our resources and to facilitate two-way learning.

IPEPA is implemented in all Australian states and territories, and applicants from rural and remote areas are encouraged to apply. This program provides an ideal opportunity to learn from experienced specialist staff to enhance skills, knowledge and confidence in the palliative approach.

Learn more about IPEPA


Standard IPEPA placements involve a participant spending 2-5 days in a specialist palliative care service. Placements are supervised by one of our mentors who are trained in providing culturally-responsive mentoring, to support a culturally-safe learning experience for IPEPA participants.

Reverse IPEPA placements, where a specialist palliative care provider comes to the participants’ workplace to provide an individualised learning experience over 2-5 days for a small group of staff. This placement model is available to organisations in rural and remote areas, the community controlled health sector and aged care sector.


IPEPA has workshops that support the development of palliative care capabilities for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce, and workshops that enhance the capacity of the non-Indigenous workforce to provide culturally-responsive palliative care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

All IPEPA workshops are delivered by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander facilitators who use the IPEPA learning approach, which is grounded in the holistic and healing-informed practices of dadirri (deep listening), yarning and two-way learning.


IPEPA has a range of learning resources to support the development of palliative care capabilities for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce, and to enhance the capacity of the non-Indigenous workforce to provide culturally-responsive palliative care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
IPEPA offers opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals to develop skills in the palliative approach to care through participation in placements, workshops and through our learning resources. All of these learning opportunities are endorsed by NAATSIHWP for CPD points.



The design core represents the individual, family and community. The eight symbols around this core represent the states and territories to reflect the national connection and wider community. It symbolises the safety of the environment, the reach and network that spread the word and education provided by IPEPA.

Together they can provide the right environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to understand palliative care and know that IPEPA is there to assist in the best way possible.

Your Care. Our Mob.

IPEPA is grateful to many artists across Australia who design art for us to share the Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islanders peoples experience and understanding of palliative care and end-of-life care for their mob.

© QUT 2025. The IPEPA Artwork and logo is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) which delivers the IPEPA project.


Any publications that have been granted permission to use this artwork, have been co-designed with the IPEPA project team.

View next: PEPA PEPA Aged Care