IPEPA learning resources have been developed through co-design and community engagement to provide education that meets the specific learning needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Professionals in the context of palliative care.
Cultural Considerations Flipchart
First Nations Health Professionals Toolkit:
Palliative Care Toolkit for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Professionals. Includes five self-directed modules to support our health workforce to walk alongside people with life-limiting illnesses. Available online or print-based workbook.
IPEPA Learning Approach
IPEPA Education is delivered by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander facilitators and grounded in the holistic and healing-informed practices of dadirri, yarning and two-way learning.
What Do People With Serious Illness Need?
A one-page resource to support our people to change a harmful experience of serious illness to a healing experience, that is grounded in sovereignty, dignity and self-determination.
Uncle Chatty’s Story
A series of videos capturing the generous storytelling of Uncle Greg Chatfield and his family about their experiences of palliative care.
Local IPEPA Resources
State and Territory teams work with their local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities to yarn about palliative care. From these yarns, our Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander IPEPA Project Officers and Consultants learn about community needs and work together to co-design and create palliative care material to meet the local needs of the community. For further local materials, contact your PEPA/IPEPA team.
More Resources
Find more palliative care learning resources on the PEPA/IPEPA Resource page.
All of our resources are available either online and for PDF download. Contact your PEPA/IPEPA team to ask about printed copies of these resources.
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